
What defines a life?
This is the question I asked myself since I was a little girl, watching my sister be swept away in the tsunami that plagued our hometown.
This is the question I would ask myself when Adam's plane went down.
What I told myself when I left my parents, family and homeland forever.
When Shiva destroyed my family - the only thing I had left.
So what defines a life?
Is it the choices we make?
The prayers that we pray?
The lovers we breathe life into?
The songs we sing?
The air we breathe?
Sometimes we can sugarcoat it. Make ourselves believe that because of X, Y, and Z there were certain things we did or said. Sins we committed that made our life turn into what it was. Who we are.
I disagree with that statement. I went into every situation hoping for the best and with the greatest intention. I never wished to inflict a malice upon myself. It just turned out that what I wished I could do, the things I had hoped to accomplish, they all turned to dust. Turned to failure because I wasn't prepared. I couldn't make the right decisions when there was something governing me from above. An invisible source we cannot see.
I was a tomboy growing up. I was always playing with the village boys. Jumping off from cliffs. Diving to the bottom of the seafloor to hunt for pearls. Sometimes I saw whale sharks. Sometimes, I got to pet them.
I had an older brother, a dad, a mom, and a younger sister. My youngest sister was my favorite because she was the only person who loved to listen to my stories - no matter how ridiculous they were.


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