I Know You

know you
I remember you
Your soul knows mine
We were together for a moment in time

He grew up
In a Catholic family
He was a gorgeous boy
Attending a private school
He shot up before his time 
All the younger boys looked up to him
He was accepted into a prestigious school
Where he met his first love
Who smiled at him so friendly-like
A beautiful blonde haired, brown eyed girl
She cheated on him
He vowed to never love another woman again

I caught his glare a few times
He was like a beautiful prince
He rejected me cold
Then I was filled with a frenzy
To recreate that heaven
A land of Kings and Queens I may never be able to join
Until a Black Swan came and ate my soul
Innocence crushed like a dying rose

His parents broke up
His mom is such a beautiful smile
She found a boyfriend
A black man
Who gave her love
His father remarried
A blonde trophy wife
After trying marijuana and hard drugs
Putting cigarette burns on his enemy's arms
He put it away to study Psychology
He made the Dean's List
Everyone thought he was the most friendliest and handsome guy
Already he was planning graduate school and on becoming a doctor
Only he was denied at the end of his senior year
He began to drink again

I listened to him talk
Deep, philosophical discussions about Religion, Philosophy, Reincarnation and God
I felt like I could only understand him
He possesses the Shamanic knowledge
Then he brought me to his room
Where he entered me
Grunting and groaning 
I hid my head and flushed with shame
Secretly smiling
As my legs bounced against your gorgeous Herculean bottom
I would love oncemore to have my ass smacked
To feel your hands feel my breasts like I am produce at a market

His mom and her boyfriend split
So she drank a bottle of vodka
Got on the highway going the opposite direction
Ran into a truck
Killing herself and two others
He got a woman he loved pregnant
Started doing Cocaine
A black man named Tank stabbed hum in the back
He was paralyzed from the waist down
Almost tried to stab himself with a kitchen knife
He remembered his daughter
He would not let her down
Yet he forgot his daughter
As she looked into his eyes while he told his stories
She fell in love with men who didn't love themselves

I know you
My soul knows what it's like to long but I am afraid you didn't see all along the girl who hid in the shadows watching you
My soul is of expression and your expression is of your soul
I love you and yet
I will never know you at all


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