Home Game

It's time for the game
Donning red and black
Hotdogs and hamburgers among the fall leaves
Booze and bottles all over the grass
Rap music playing from the speakers
Students hurrying from their dorm rooms to the stadium from the game
Each building stands tall as a temple to learning with it's white columns reaching towards the sky
This is home
Where all students of learning at any age are able to come back and rejoice in their patriotism for their school
It is turning to evening
I bet going on this campus to classes is like falling in love but I was never invited
I never got my acceptance letter
I wanted to go to this school
Wanted to lean on the edge of the upper floor of the library
Staring into the forests
Writing stories of witches, vampires, castles, Kings and Queens 
Reading Bronte, Dickens, Austen, Plath, Twain, Dickinson and Tolstoy
When I was rejected from this school
My passion wavered too
Because it wasn't the same anymore in the tropical heat
I found comfort in air conditioning behind a computer screen
Comforting myself with the idea of an occupation after college
Maybe I could enjoy those things then but I have little hope
Life isn't the fairytale I imagined
The home game begins
Fans waiting in the stands
Loyalty to the school and the promises that used to be when they were in college
"Did you hear Anne got engaged? She is a Business Administration major. The girl was in honors classes in high school. We are so proud of her."
The security is gone and I must move on but I bet being on this campus is like falling in love


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