Broken Pieces

My hands are too small
My arms are too weak
My eyes are too sad
My brain is too slow
My feet are breaking
My fingers are slippery
My hearing is muffled
My hair is raggedy
My heart is cold
My chest is tired
I melt into the bed
Pills in my hand
You can try to save me but you will fail
See my tears?
They are cried for you
You want me to stand but stand I can't do
You will watch me fall and that will be all
Because I was never yours
I could never be yours
While you hold me and shake me and tell me "I'm here"
I'm not here and you can't rescue me
I am sorry you tried
I wanted you to succeed but as you fill my body
You find nothing
All of it is
Broken pieces of a beautiful painting you can't put back together


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