Did any friends leave you because of your mental illness?

They all left. They all still blame me for everything years later. I tried telling them that I was depressed but they said I threw my problems on others. A lot of them did that themselves but they were unable to see when it affected other people. They just wanted people to listen to their own problems. I guess what I’m trying to say is that there is a lot of shitty people in the world. It tends to want to break you real fast. A lot of the people who have luck in friendships and love tend to have happy dispositions - which make them easier/enjoyable to be around and able to put up with peoples’ BS. Thus, because many narcissists have these friends, they expect other people to kiss up to them. Narcissism and mental illness, particularly depression, can seem like the flip of a coin. You can’t really help it and yet you still get stares when you burst out crying and have to leave the room. You know people don’t want to be reminded of your grief: they either want to have a happy day or have a grief party themselves. Thus, when you get two depressed people in a room, it’s not pretty. That’s what happened to an old friend of mine who spun my depression/insecurity around and used it as the justification that I was bullying her and making her cut herself. I didn’t win the battle of “the manic-depressive contest” so I failed to convince my ‘friends’ that I was innocent and deserving enough of pity. Which I guess, like fairytales, depression is an archetypal madness into a descent of paranoia and disillusionment. Now on the bright side, there are people who genuinely don’t mind you being mentally ill so long as you are ‘seeking help’, but if you quit the ‘help’ or the advice on how they think you should live your life, then that is a whole other can of worms.


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