Response to Spirit Science on Moon

Thea might have been a well developed planet before it hit Earth. Imagine two rocks smashing together. It's kind of theoretical in a sense but through accretion these dust particles came back together to form the Moon. That's how all the planetesimals were created. If there was a Great Flood, it could have been possible that the Moon was more interlocked in Earth's gravitational field then than it was now but unfortunately I can't do the math for you. A theory is useful in that it is the best description of predictive events based on observational scientific data. I consider myself a spiritual person but knowledge is only useful if it can be interpreted by human reasoning. If any data I can collect from a higher conscientiousness is not useful to the human collective, I remain silent. This information could be useful with substantial evidence but if there is no proof of the data it is best to remain silent.


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