
I have been reading more of Sylvia Plath's Unabridged Journals and I got to her honeymoon with the attractive, intellectual Ted Hughes. It's not hard to understand why she is attracted to him as I was attracted to S. Them sitting together on a balcony with their coffee and writing together on the same desk seems really romantic. He's her intellectual equal, perhaps even her soulmate. Who wouldn't what someone who shares your passions in life? Even though he treats her horribly as their marriage progresses. Looking back in retrospect after watching the movie Sylvia to reading the journals, it is now easier to see that they were meant to be together. Ted Hughes is as much apart of Sylvia as Sylvia is of Ted Hughes, foe better or for worse.

Sylvia Plath is a fan of Virginia Woolf. We have both read her novel The Waves and I watched the movie The Hours which is about Virginia Woolf writing Mrs. Dalloway and the two generations of women who read the book afterwards. Both of them have a knack for words and the poetic form. This is what interests me right now - writers who have the innate ability to transform the English language.

There is so much to read and so much to write. So much reading to do on writing and writing to do on reading. A love of words is a solitary activity and it can lead to a lonely life but it is also a powerful ability that can change the course of history. Whether it be a journalistic piece that inspired a revolution, a movie that inspired creativity or a novel that provided comfort. I want to learn from the greats and I want to produce great things. I want to go through the fire and come out. Change the world however it may be. Though things will be different now and maybe I have a darkened view of love, I have to believe that in by leaving my university that I made the right decision. Somehow, eventually, these efforts could pull through.


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