
Showing posts from June, 2016

Response to Spirit Science on Moon

Thea might have been a well developed planet before it hit Earth. Imagine two rocks smashing together. It's kind of theoretical in a sense but through accretion these dust particles came back together to form the Moon. That's how all the planetesimals were created. If there was a Great Flood, it could have been possible that the Moon was more interlocked in Earth's gravitational field then than it was now but unfortunately I can't do the math for you. A theory is useful in that it is the best description of predictive events based on observational scientific data. I consider myself a spiritual person but knowledge is only useful if it can be interpreted by human reasoning. If any data I can collect from a higher conscientiousness is not useful to the human collective, I remain silent. This information could be useful with substantial evidence but if there is no proof of the data it is best to remain silent.


There is this girl in my lab class. We had to do a lab the other day but she moved to the far side of the table. There is also this guy who likes her and they basically didn't include me at all on the lab the other day. It made me so mad. She is still sitting at the far side of the table.

Past Lives or Schizophrenic?

Sometimes I feel like there's two of me. There’s the one who exists right here in the now. This individual has her own views and her own ego. She is able to make decisions even when she is a callous bitch about it and the world is generally easy to understand. Then there is the other person inside of me. I swear she is the most disagreeable person. Her name is Maoko and she is my past life self. She wins a lot of the time because she hangs onto her past or should I say OUR past.  Even before that was a girl named Talulah. She was a slave woman who was murdered. None of her life was that great. She’s fucking us both over even though she is technically both of us.


I hate being shamed. The reason I hate it is because of how shamed I am of myself, let alone the shame other people put on me for .my mental illness .my political views .my religious beliefs .my sexuality .my morality .my intellect .my looks .my emotions All these things. I can't go a day without being shamed. It seems like this will never end. Maybe there is something wrong with me but I don't know what it is. I just want to know.


I've tried to accept the fact that minority groups do have a reason to be angry even if it is unreasonable. I get that marginalized groups need a voice even when they choose to shame other people. I have also accepted in my mind the benefits of the social justice movement in bringing the country together and eradicating prejudice. I have tried to keep silent about it but I too get exhausted from all the ways they use the "racist, homophobic, islamophobic, fatophobic, ageist, sexist" agenda to push shame on other people to get what they want. Some of the stuff too would be little things. I was having a discussion with my ex boyfriend the other day (who is Black) about polyamory. The only reason he liked polyamory was because he wants to have sex with as many girls possible. Not that there is anything wrong with polyamory - I've run into a lot of men who have shamed me because I am a women saying that they expect this sort of thing as well as women and men who are femin...

Orlando Shooting

I don’t want to be the one to talk about the Orlando shooting in this way but I am going to do it because there are many problems that need to be addressed. I would hate it if I got hate for this but since it is my honest opinion and I feel the need to share it, here it goes.This opinion belittles no group to my own observations. It was a hate crime and a terrorist attack. That much is certain but did you know the shooter was a registered Democrat and a normal United States citizen before this event? We don’t know if there is a mental health issue. The problem is the natural assumption that we are over racism and homophobia when these civil rights issues have seemingly been solved. It is a natural indicator that a person can be targeted by terrorism and consumed by hate. It is an indicator of something that is happening everyday. Whether it be the Charleston shooting or other shootings in the past, this event is an indicator that we have to be more aware of the people that...