
Showing posts from September, 2014

That Moment of Youth

When I walk into the ballroom Full of beauty and grace Your eyes linger Old and crinkly Jacket making me warm You are underground now

Darkness and Breeze

Rolling in bed Desiring sleep Something to give me good dreams Nighttime and no noise No one calling my name Or breathing out in the dark I miss you The lights shine on the lake Midnight approaches Time we had comes to an end More time to wait Less time to feel happy and whole Missing my friend Weekend coming Empty conversations Reveling in the past Problems I make up Pushing people away Got to put on a happy face Even within all the misery Dean Buckner is watching Hospital in Savannah Waiting for my return The loss of a dream Onslaught of failure Cold sheets and light blaring in the hallway Lady in a chair, making sure I don't hurt myself Child crying Youth behind me Wondering about you lately If your marriage is better Feeling lonely in my own home Flights below Looking over the city Cold echoes Future has arrived The world is colder and less certain At any moment, death screams to approach

So Foreign

The world I entered is darker Foreign Completely far away from what I expected Once I was a puritan The world I lived in was organized All my plans were methodological I was a certain person True to life's many surprises I found myself falling down the rabbit hole It has many layers There is a desire for self-denial and complete lack of instant gratification There is the world of purity and unwavering belief in a creator Now there is the world of darkness, the bridge between good and evil So many layers I forget who I am Once I was sure There was direction Meaning Purpose I would very much like to wake from this reverie Even then, isn't life an eternal dream? When oh when will I wake up?


Like a painting on the wall Suddenly sitting in the closet Forgotten and covered in cob webs Was it that the time I had with you was really so limited? I feel free really I guess this is what I wanted Feeding turtles and spending time in nature I just can't help but wonder why I trusted someone who turned out so mean You know you are So cruel Being punished by your cruel rumors When the moment you took my innocence away, You lied to me Telling me a fantasy that wasn't true Once upon a time, you cared Now no one does Am I more free? Am I happier? I just wish I was helpless again I know I am stronger Just wish that I could be rediscovered again You hurt me far more than I hurt you Just not realizing it You laugh Completely having forgotten me Everything is more cruel when it affects you You hardly notice when someone else is hurting

Devour the world

I want to eat Planet Earth Every dream All the souls So I can reflect each living creature Yet using my magic to be popular isn't the answer The only way to moksha is through hard work, pain and practice

I don't want to be old

Can't you just find me now? God, give me the wisdom of 105 and the beauty of 17

Smile everyday

Just as much as I need to jump into belief I need to surrender to disbelief I need to lose what I hold dear Find my way to carry on Despite the romance you hold A fairy tale I do not know Certainty and long-lasting love You tell me to walk alone Will I always be alone? This is my destiny To live the single life For you cannot be two if you aren't one I wish I could skip that stuff though So I smile everyday Hoping you rub off on me

Is ugly a curse?

A walk of shame As he trudges to the elevator Unable to stand, he leans against the wall Hand against his forehead As others stare Wondering what he did to make God so angry Yet he continues What is he searching for? What makes him continue? How does he believe someone will look at him the same way they look at me? Is beauty a curse? A mask Is who we are Underneath is who we want to be We can't be both A nerdy preppy girl I cannot be

"Empty your cup."

Life can be strange One minute, you have it figured out Then the opposite comes in A gift or a curse? I can't decide So loyal am I to my past lovers I can't jump into the future Would it have been better for me to shut my mouth? Would submission make me happy? You were my stars and my moon The sun - so warm To hot I got burned Retreated back into my shell You are just too wild I am too tame If only I could mean something to someone Do I have to pretend in my next relationship that I have been rescued even when it is falling apart? How can I believe my Prince sees me when he doesn't?

Going into Battle

I will put on my blindfold Go into battle Get up at the crack of dawn everyday Cause I believe you're worth it Somehow those lovely eyes will look back at me Be proud to call me mom I will be worth it In a small one's eyes I will be a hero

Putting On Faces

I put on faces So you don't see Layers and shields So you can't touch beneath I'm losing ground So hurt I am That no one can touch my soul It is buried deep That is why I miss you "You're shaking." It's because I let you in That is why I miss you How will anyone ever see inside of me again? I am Cinderella I long for your comfort Comfort and security This is what I need It may take years If you stick with me The moodiness will go away Pure love will reveal itself I love stronger than any other


She loves escape Clings to you Reflects into you the confidence you crave Your lovely damsel in distress Wrap her in your arms She will be your little maid Until you die Then she will follow you Like a lost puppy Willingly, into the dark Your mirror


Sexual fiend Beta male Slightly scary Unimaginably humble Symbolizes death The eventual end He sits under the stars and watches the skies Remembering the words of Carl Sagan Looks through nerdy glasses Kisses terribly Experimental Stuck in a world of his humility


He is strong Yet he is sweet A tough warrior Yet he will love you with all his heart How I would love to fall into a Cancer's arms He either loves you or hates you Called Prince Charming The man all the girls want


Idealistic Humanitarian Loves her Mary-Sue transformation Trying on philosophies, colors and characters like outfits Overly enthusiastic about life Lovingly girly Eternally optimistic Putting on her hippie shades


The Balancer In between many places Supporting many groups A social life of unimaginable learning Socially adept Mysterious and elusive Seemingly independent Yet she can't hold on to the relationships she craves No matter how hard she tries Still she balances both ideals Becoming the diplomat The leader she always wanted to be


Is loyal and independent Would love to rescue you Yet he can't save you On a path towards the future Running wild in the wind He's beautifully youthful So out of your league

Cinderella and The Ball

Find me a dress Blue and silver Make my hair glisten Eyes reveal secrets Invite me to the ball I know you wait Wanting to make me your princess Looking at the stars Day passes to night Night passes to day Years go by People cheer in the stands Graduation Falling in love Still I sit in my room As the leaves of fall sink to the ground Waiting to be your girl "You lose what you cling to." I can't stop clinging Hoping Wanting Your arms

Between Ideals

Caught between ideals Yin and Yang Fire and Ice To be important to one of them would be my dream To fall into the fantasy A skewed vision of reality I have eyes that see Two opposing forces Angel and Devil Pulling me down Telling me that I cannot live in Heaven or Hell Eternal limbo How can one let go of everything they know? To surrender to settling down Be happy in what they don't have I wish I had that kind of blind faith To trust you would do me good


Rottweiler You are loyal Soft face Kind smile Narcissus gazing at a reflection of himself

Magical Transformation

How can I let go? Fully develop into the self I am meant to be No restrictions Nor attachment to reality I know this is what you want No other girl would compare She needs her own world, hobbies and dreams A life outside of your sweet smile I try I ran because I felt it was failing Only to find I jumped into the sinkhole on my own Drowning in my own sorrows

Reaching For You

I am reaching for you Fighting my way with swords and spells To be the most important thing to you would make me so happy You tell me that you are not the source of my happiness Yet, I can't stop reaching Raising my hands towards the sky Hoping some stardust will fall So I can taste you Fly my way to the heavens Be wrapped in your arms Life is so unfair Introducing me to you Taking you away so quickly This fantasy consumes I long for you I want to consume you So you will always be a part of me Beautiful man So glad you are alive Wish I could reach you I feel your presence Yet you are so far Do you hear my cries? Please seek me in this darkness To see you happy would bring me so much joy Without me though, I will feel like a failure If only I could turn back time I would be your girl for sure