Response to Sandman

I'm trolling Sandman - the MGTOW guy. I NEED TO STOP! I just feel so insecure that I can't help but look. I keep looking and looking. My therapist told me not to and I CAN'T STOP.

"Just for correction Sandman, personality disorders are not chosen by individuals. They are usually projected cognitive disorders to blame other people for feelings of inferiority of themselves brought about by trauma or a lack of support in childhood. One example would be projecting one's own depression by dating someone else with a mental illness and blaming them for problems within themselves. A personality disorder does mean a person can have issues with normal empathizing disorders but they are not incapable of empathy. One example of this is Elliot Rodger. Since you're a MGTOW, you probably know that Elliot Rodger killed many sorority girls in Santa Barbara because he never had a girlfriend and never had sex. If you can see Elliot Rodger's video confessions, you can notice that he is very distressed. His inner turmoil brought him to the killing of others but you can tell he was scared of what he was about to do. So it's mistaken to think sociopaths aren't emotional. Similarly, a person with Borderline does not correlate with a diagnosis of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Women with BPD are capable of love, they are just unable to see when they are pushing men away. People with Narcissism are also capable of love, i.e. Donald Trump, but they are unable to see the acts they committed to make their previous relationships fail. I thought I would just correct you here because while some women can and do use Feminism for projecting their own mental health issues, it does not mean they are incapable of love. Rather, they are projecting their own issues into Feminism just as a man would into Anti-Feminism, a Liberal would into his politics, a Conservative into his, an Atheist into his and/or a Christian into his; because politics can enable people to not look at their own selves and blame the outside for what is on the inside."


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