Dear Dr. Price

The real reason I wanted to graduate early was because I wanted to catch up with you and be your equal. I'm always trying to be your equal because in some way, I still imagine you'll come back for me. Even when it is so hopeless and you're so far away. You fill me with a fear that gives me no comfort because the idea of any woman enjoying you reminds me that you're moving farther and farther away from me. I don't think you ever really realized how much you mean to me. How much I love you. Cause I deeply love you even when it is unreciprocated and I would gladly heal your wounds or make you happy just to please you. I still haven't been able to meet anyone in your likeness yet the idea of sending you nude pictures makes me feel cheap and farther away from you. I so badly wish that I have another chance with you. To kiss you under the stars and feel your love. Just to be near you and your spirit. Yet I already knew we were doomed from the start and even when I imagine our future we are divorced. I guess what I'm trying to say is that yes I am stupid for loving you and yes it will continue to happen. You can't stop the tide. Until someone else comes along. Even though I don't want it too and you probably want me to. Even if you are annoyed by the amount of texts I've sent you - texts I should cut back on when the feelings are unreciprocated but I've been following you on LinkedIn. I think you will do great things and be a man I can only dream of. I wish it was me with you tonight and every other night but if it is not, I hope you think of me in a good way even after you discard me. And I wish you the most beautiful, wonderful life.
Sincerely xoxo


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