The truth is that the world is so unbearably loud
I realize that while we try to assign explanations to things, these explanations will inevitably fall through and we will have to replace them with new ones to comfort us through the night
Even though these beliefs are suspect to outliers
On the road to searching for myself, I have lost my ego
I want to be angry at what has happen to me
I want someone to encompass me with warmth and unconditional love oncemore
I don't want to go through a humdrum day of the sun rising once more and learning so to prepare for my life
I am unbearably lonely and kind of screwed up
Yet I have accepted this loneliness as a sort of purge
Though I am in denial of how scared shitless I am
I think I will continue only cause
It gives me something to do and for that reason
I will go on living


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