Remembering Past Lives

I am not an expert on past lives in my human form as an Artcurian Indigo but I can give you a general premise of how I have come to familiarize myself with my past lives. Usually anything that bothers you in the present can show an indication of your past lives. Usually,there are many indicators of your past lives through the friends that have had significant impact on you as well as the books or movies you keep in your possession. We are not limited by our location, nationality or sex. Man y of us have been cross=gendered which accounts towards being Gay or Transgender. We also have had lives of slavery and prostitution which have led us to have low self esteem, unhealthy relationships and to choose lives of suffering with mental illnesses or with systematic prejudice so that we may familiarize ourselves with the plight of oppressed and underprivileged groups. I have no real answer as to why I remember my past lives and others don’t. Perhaps the reason is because some of us are meant to go through our lives as believers in separate faiths or even as pronounced atheists. There is no problem with believing an afterlife to be a myth or to not include reincarnation as part of your belief system but that does not make it any less true that there is a greater reality than the three dimensional reality we live in. Nor can I give any adequate advice on how you may transgress that reality towards spiritual enlightenment. The truth is rather grey in that we all come to this Planet for our own individual reasons and as such must learn the lessons or repercussions from our past lives even if those actions may be deemed as evil or full of malice. I have been introduced to a few past lives that have crossed the boundaries of my perceived reality. I am not privileged in any way by being an Arcturian Alien or one who has lived 500 years on earth. Rather, I am just like many of you stuck on this planet and for one reason or a next that does not make me better than any one else or a bearer of an extreme enlightenment. To believe this to myself would mean that I go through life believing myself to be better than others and I realize that grave mistake, as there is everything to learn from higher and lower levels of consciousness. Reincarnation does not work in that you are given a better life from having endured a bad one. It works in the other way in that you choose even harder lives to gain more spiritual lessons from them. Even if your life is unbearable at this point, it means you have the spiritual strengths to have been allowed to endure this life. Anyway that is my Intuition on these matters. As for the end of all things, I cannot guarantee anything except the acceptance of this other reality while I am in human conscientiousness. 


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