
Well. Soon the guy I love will be graduating. My ex and his girlfriend have gone 6 months together. They want me to join them in a polymorphic relationship but I declined. The reason is this: I am done with superficial relationships and being superficial. I never loved my ex A. I was always in love with S. Even as I gave the most intimate part of myself away to A, I was wishing it was S. I strung him along for a long time and he strung me along too. Then he got with his girlfriend. I am afraid that she is being strung along as well. See I always was protective over A. I see part of himself in me with his selfish idealism and grand beliefs about the world as well as in his own righteousness. I know what it must feel like for him to want to believe that everything is going to be fine from here on out, but it is not. He can't keep playing this game forever. Someday he will realize that but it's not in my power to punish him. Karma will do it itself as Karma has done it to me. I loved S. I didn't let things run it's natural course with him. When we got together, it was as if he was imagining my body all along. Probably was. I teased him so much but he doesn't need this right now. He doesn't need me even though I love him. I love him so desperately. I guess it's time to say goodbye to S. He will be graduating in 4 days. I will miss him. There might have not been love but there was something: friendship. I lost it but I will miss him and miss it. We all lose relationships. We all learn lessons from it and this is mine: be true to yourself. When I leave my university, I will be transferring to another one I had imagined a girl with dark brown hair going to in my dreams. I will change my major to Journalism and see if my destiny is similar to S.K. Trimituri's. Maybe I knew her after all. I will also take writing classes. I will start over and though I am very lonely, I need to be brave for myself. I am grateful for all the friends I made her and all the things I learned.


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