
Showing posts from June, 2015

Falling Asleep

My body labors towards sleep Wheezing in and out each breath My eyes are full and watery As I struggle to close them Itching for something In the night To inspire me To awaken me Something to make me full of spark It sits as I sit Silent as I am I fight each and every attempt But at some point, each night The energy dies out And I dissolve into the sheets A white watery world I enter


White noise surrounds me As neon lamps blare into the dark The walls are bare And each little particle seems to move in a dance The sun is setting And the trees outside are still and silent Only a distant car goes by As the shade of night fades into the room As silence creeps all around Inanimate objects lay strewn about Pictures of people frozen in time The clock on the wall Ticking endlessly into space Soon it is night The darkness has fully taken over the scene

Little Black Flowers

Little black flowers cover the grave Of a boy who died when he was only 6 During the Civil War, when they didn't have cure for those diseases back then He grew up in cotton fields Died in cotton fields And he probably died in his Sunday school uniform Little black flowers cover the grave Where he won't breathe no more Will feel no more pain Where sun will set and the moon will rise And little birds will sing Cotton fields will keep growing And the world will grow up around the boy's deadly disease

Not Really Beautiful

Tell me I'm pretty I won't believe you My hair is greasy The blades of hair on my knees have never really gone away And I can never chose the right shirt to wear to school My shorts make me look like a plump German I am not really beautiful It's just a lie I think I am keeping up appearances While the heart inside of me has turned sour Every little trivial thing Bores me into a pool of tears And everyone can see it And who wants to be around it? The eventual demise of my soul? I am not really beautiful I am not really whole I am just living I think But I am not really here